Сегодня в смт Липова Долина 18.05.2024

Мемориал в Липовой долине.

Івана Купала в Липовій Долині

Lipova Dolina, center city, сhurch

річка Хорол

Lipova Dolina, center city, school

Lipova Dolina, center city, сhurch

Lipova Dolina, view of the Romenskaya street

Lipova Dolina, view of the valley

Lipova Dolina, way to the Sportivnaya street

Lipova Dolina, center city, school

Lipova Dolina, view of the Romenskaya street

Lipova Dolina, center city, Krupskoi street

Lipova Dolina, view of the Romenskaya street

Lipova Dolina, center city, сhurch

Lipova Dolina, center city, at court

Lipova Dolina, view of the Romenskaya street

Красивые фотографии смт Липова Долина
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